Search by Student Population
Adult High School and GED
The Adult High School (AHS) Diploma Program is designed for adults who want to earn their high school diploma. Students meet with an advisor to create an individual learning plan, and work one-on-one with faculty and in small groups with other students. Subjects include reading comprehension, vocabulary and grammar, spelling, writing, mathematics and other subjects.
All-gender bathroom locations
All Gender Bathroom locations on SBCC Campus
American Indian Health Services (AIHS) (Off-campus, community resource)
AIHS provides quality medical, dental, pediatric and behavioral health services to all members of our community. The patient-centered medical home model organizes primary care in a manner that emphasizes care coordination and communication between the patient, provider, and outside specialists. AIHS doctors are leading the way in providing higher quality care at lower costs, and improving overall experience in primary healthcare.
Ask the Veterans Benefits Advisor
Ask the Veterans Benefits Advisor is a quick way to find answers to your Veterans Support questions, or to request an information packet tailored to your situation. Submit a question or packet request by completing the form at this link.
Basic Needs Application / Emergency Grant Request
Opportunity to apply for emergency basic need grants and other basic need resources
Santa Barbara City College offers full-time childcare for children ages six months to when they enter kindergarten. The center is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Priority is given to full-time student parents who are income-eligible and enrolled in a vocational training program. The center also serves faculty and staff of the college if space is available. Located across the street from SBCC’s Cliff Campus at 365 Loma Alta Drive. Orfalea Early Learning Center is also a lab school program to meet the college’s Early Childhood Education teacher-training needs.
College for Working Adults
Designed for new-to-college, working adults, and part-time students with few credits, the College for Working Adults offers multiple programs of study on a flexible schedule. You can earn as many as three Associates Degrees, while concurrently completing transfer requirements, from the following areas:Associate's Degree (AA) Chicana/o StudiesAssociate's Degree for Transfer (AA-T): PsychologyAssociate's Degree for Transfer (AA-T): SpanishDual Associate's Degrees in Chicana/o Studies and Psychology (Spanish optional)IGETC for AAs
Connections to Success
Connections for Success is a collaborative effort of the Santa Barbara Sunrise Rotary club and SBCC that provides mentors to emancipated foster youth attending SBCC. Mentors provide one-on-one guidance to foster youth, pre- and post-emancipation. Students have expressed the value of a relationship with and adult who makes an unconditional commitment to helping them navigate the obstacles to success.
Disability Services and Programs for Students (DSPS)
We are committed to creating an accessible learning community where individuals with disabilities have an equal opportunity to pursue their educational goals. We strive to empower students, foster independence, and promote achievement through self-advocacy. DSPS is responsible for arranging reasonable accommodations for all qualified students with a documented disability.
Distance Education
SBCC online courses offer an excellent opportunity for you to pursue your educational goals at times and locations convenient to you. These courses are offered over the Internet, and in many cases do not require on campus attendance.
Dream Center
Navigating college is a challenge for many students and undocumented students face even more complex legal, academic, career, and life hurdles. SBCC is committed to supporting undocumented students as they develop into the next generation of entrepreneurs, teachers, scientists, artists, and leaders in our community. The Dream Center is a resource for all undocumented and mixed status students in need of legal support, academic guidance, advocacy, and a space for belonging on campus.
Dual Enrollment Program
Through partnerships with our K-12 districts, students eligible for high school have the opportunity to begin their college career while paying no tuition for college classes. High school students can earn college AND high school credits at the same time when they take classes at SBCC, take SBCC classes at their high school, and take SBCC classes online.
Dual Enrollment Program Forms
Dual Enrollment Program Forms
Extended Learning Support Services
Academic and Career Counseling for: Adult High School/GED; Bilingual computer program; Career Recovery Program; Career Skills Institute; Noncredit English as a Second Language. Learn how to: Read the Schedule of Classes; plan your class and create an academic plan; Move from one class level to the next; Make the most of Student Support Services; Transfer to SBCC Credit Programs; Scholarships.
Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS)
Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) is a state-funded, educational support program designed to provide academic support, financial assistance, and encouragement for eligible, financially disadvantaged, and academically underprepared students enrolled full time (12 or more units) at SBCC. The goal of the EOPS program is to provide above and beyond support services to help students meet their educational goals; whether students seek an occupational certificate, Associate in Arts or Science degree or transfer to a four-year university.
Federal Plus Loans for Parents
Under the PLUS Loan program, a student's parents (or stepparents) may borrow up to the total cost of a student's education, minus any other aid or resources that the student receives. PLUS loans are not based on a student's family's income or assets and are only for undergraduate study.
Guardian Scholars Program
The Guardian Scholars program is a comprehensive support program through EOPS for current and former foster youth and AB12 (extended foster care) students. Guardian Scholar students are also eligible for all EOPS support and services and in addition may be eligible may for additional grants, transportation assistance, events and activities geared for former foster youth, workshops and childcare assistance.
Guardian Scholars Program Links to Resources
Guardian Scholars Program Links to Resources
Honors Program
Our program’s smaller courses and great professors help students achieve their intellectual goals. Out of class, we offer informal events, field trips, hikes, and a community of fun, interesting people.
International Student Services Program
The International Student Support Program offers a variety of services catered to the needs of SBCC international students. At the International Education Center, you can find our International Admissions Coordinator, International Student Advisors, Academic Counselors, Insurance Specialist, and our Front Desk Staff who are happy to help you.
Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement Program (MESA)
The Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement Program, MESA, is a support program dedicated to assisting first-generation, low-income, minority students interested in pursuing a career in the STEM disciplines. The program is nationally recognized as an innovative academic development program serving underrepresented STEM students. MESA provides a unique combination of enrichment activities including: Interactive Projects, Academic Support, Industry Involvement, a Supportive Community Environment, Personalized Academic Counseling, Undergraduate Research Opportunities.
Middle College
Local high school students who want to earn a high school diploma in a college environment may complete their high school requirements on SBCC campus! Through an Independent Study Program, while also taking classes at SBCC, students are guided through a smooth transition into college life. Acceptance into the Middle College Program is determined by the on-campus instructors through an application process.
MLEF Internship Program (Off-Campus)
Paid summer research internships for sophomore level students or higher, with a focus on women and minority students in STEM majors.
Multi-Literacy English Transfer Program (MET)
MET recognizes the significance of racial and cultural diversity in learning.The program supports the transfer and success of historically under-represented students. MET classes offer: Faculty collaboration focused on student success; Welcome to Part and Full-time students; Smaller class sizes; Writing workshops; Classroom tutors; A link with student counselors and services to support academic achievement; A support course to help you succeed in English 110.
New Student Class Planning
New Student Class Planning Sessions will help you develop a first semester class plan with a counselor and help you understand your English and Math placement results, pre-requisites and skill advisories.
Noncredit English as a Second Language
Do you want to learn English or become a citizen? Take English as a Second Language classes for free* at the School of Extended Learning. We offer English, Vocational English, and Citizenship classes via live group video calls. Click on the link above to see the schedule. Contact the instructor for their class Zoom info.
Pacific Pride Foundation (Off-campus, community resource)
Pacific Pride Foundation's advocacy and education efforts meet the ongoing and emerging needs of a diverse population in order to create a thriving and visible LGBTQ+ community and to prevent the transmission of HIV/AIDS.
Parent Resource Guide
Parent and family resource guide for parents and families of SBCC students.
Parenting Resources
Learn more about resources available to our student parent campus community.
Parenting Program through the School of Extended Learning
The Parenting program offers parents of pre-kindergarten age children classes in two different supportive environments: Parenting Skills classes cover skills for parents of 3-month old infants to five-year olds in age-specific groups, and parents attend class with their children. In our Parent Child Workshops, parents must register for both a weekly morning lab section with their child and also a weekly evening lecture. Children in classes at the Parent Child Workshops are aged 2 ½ to 5 years.
Phi Theta Kappa
Phi Theta Kappa is the International Honor Society for the Two Year College. Students who join PTK have access to tools and resources that enhance the scholastic experience at SBCC, and connect them with other students who prioritize academic achievement, service, and community action. Any eligible student may apply during the third week of each semester. In order to join, one needs to have completed at least 12 units at Santa Barbara City College and maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher.
¡Raíces: First Year and Beyond!
¡Raíces: First Year and Beyond! is an empowerment program for students to cultivate their own educational, professional, and life journeys within a community of peers, academic and personal counselors, advisors, and professors. If you are a first year, returning, transferring, or continuing student at SBCC and desire a college experience that reinforces your goals, leadership skills, and/or cultural pride, ¡Raíces: First Year and Beyond! is for you!
Remote Learning Student Resources
Learn more about the tools you'll need to succeed in a remote learning environment!
Research, Conferences, and Networking Opportunities
You can gain practical experience and build your resume by participating in networking events, conferences, research opportunities and internships. The sidebar lists on campus programs. Listed below are some opportunities that will be available to you as a student at SBCC.
Running Start Program (summer bridge program for local HS graduates)
Running Start is a 6-week summer bridge program through EOPS for local high school students completing the 12th grade. Running Start provides services to students who may be financially and/or academically underprepared and who may not assess into college-level Math and English. There are 65 spots available each summer and students must go through an interview process to be selected.
Santa Barbara Transgender Advocacy Network (Off-campus, community resource)
The Santa Barbara Transgender Advocacy Network educates individuals and organizations on best practices for transgender & gender expansive clients, patients, students, congregants and families; creates and develops spaces, actions, and policies that advance the welfare of transgender and diverse gender non-conforming individuals, their families, and allies in California's Central Coast communities.
SBCC Luria Libary Free Resources for Kids
This guide provides recommended links for free resources to help you work, study, and play from home.
SBCC Luria Library Guide for Online Students
As an online student, you are entitled to many excellent resources and services from the SBCC Luria Library. Follow the tabs on this guide to learn more about how we can support you.
SBCC Luria Library Guide for Student Parents and their Families
This guide provides recommended resources for and about student parents and their families.
SBCC Luria Library Guide Related to LGBTQIA2S+
This guide provides recommended resources for research and services related to the LGBTQIA2S+ community including links to related support, resources, legal help, and frequently asked questions.
SBCC Luria Library Guide Related to Middle College
This guide provides students with recommended resources for Middle College assignments.
SBCC Luria Library Guide Related to Military Veterans
This guide provides information for and about student Veterans, including links to related support, resources, legal help, and frequently asked questions
SBCC Luria Library Guide Related to Social Justice Children's Literature
This guide provides recommended resources for reading and research related to social justice children's literature.
SBCC Luria Library Guide Related to Students Experiencing Substance Abuse or Recovery
This guide provides recommended resources for research and services related to students experiencing substance abuse, substance addiction, or recovery, as well as links to related support, scholarships, legal resources, and frequently asked questions.
SBCC Luria Library Guide Related to Undocumented Students
This guide provides recommended resources for research and services related to undocumented students. The guide includes current information, recommended books, scholarships, legal resources, and frequently asked questions.
SBCC Luria Library Guide Relating to Autism and Neurodiversity
This guide provides recommended resources for research and services related to autism and neurodiversity. It was created to provide information about autism and neurodiversity, including links to related support, resources, legal help, and frequently asked questions.
SBCC Luria Library Transitions Resources Home Page
SBCC Luria Library Transitions Resources Home Page: Collected resources include recommended books, local resources, scholarships, and legal resources
SBCC Promise
The SBCC Foundation launched the SBCC Promise in fall 2016, providing all local high school graduates with the opportunity to attend SBCC full-time free of charge, for up to two years. Eligibility is determined by a student’s high school location, year of graduation, and commitment to SBCC Promise eligibility requirements.
SBCC Student Veterans Club Facebook Group
We are a support club for all SBCC student veterans and their spouses. We want to enrich the College experience for our Vets!
Scholarship: California Latino Legislative Caucus Foundation (CLLCF)(Off-campus)
The California Latino Legislative Caucus Foundation is a 501(C)(3) tax exempt, charitable, non-profit corporation established to promote and support Latino culture and heritage in California and to educate the public about Latino culture, heritage and issues of importance to Latinos in California. The Latino Legislative Caucus Foundation does not endorse, support or oppose candidates for public office.
Scholarship: SHPE (Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers)(Off-campus)
ScholarSHPE provides opportunities for: Graduating high school seniors beginning a STEM undergraduate career at a community college or 4-year university. Undergraduate students pursuing a degree in STEM at any stage of their undergraduate career. Students must be enrolled full-time at a community college or 4-year university. Students or professionals pursuing technical certificates or graduate-level professional education that increase their professional competencies with select institutions.
School of Extended Learning
School of Extended Learning offers educational and community programs that serve our diverse adult population. Our programs advance career and life skills, and offer bridges to credit.
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers Student Club
The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers INGENIUM SHPE Student Chapter.
SPARC Program
SPARC: (Single Parents Arriving Ready for College): A six-week summer bridge program through EOPS for eligible single-parent students offers college orientation, field trips, and a weekly stipend. Students also receive meal vouchers, priority registration, academic counseling, orientation, childcare and other support services. Additionally, students are enrolled in a an academic planning class, a parenting course specific to single parent students and participate in a series of workshops aimed at building community and support.
STEM Center
The STEM Transfer Program (STP) offers peer tutoring in math, physics, biology, and chemistry. Our peer tutors are students who have taken and excelled in these classes. The tutors are more than happy to help with any questions or problems you may have, so stop by the STEM Center to get help!
STEM Transfer Program
STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. The STEM Transfer Program’s priority is to assist Hispanic and/or low income students in creating and following a streamlined educational plan that ensures transfer to a four-year institution in a STEM area.Participating in the STEM Transfer Program will allow you to efficiently complete the required courses for transfer to a four-year university in your STEM major. You will learn how to make informed choices and participate in research, internships and professional conferences
Student Athlete Academic Achievement Zone
The program targets male and female student athletes who are entering their first semesters at the college and who are considered academically underprepared based on a score of 100 or less on the English Placement Test (CTEP) and/or the Mathematical Analysis Readiness Test (MR). Also included are second-year students deemed academically at risk after completing two semesters and 24 units. They must have a cumulative GPA of 2.3 or lower and still be enrolled in basic skills courses. Academic Achievement Zone strategies include individual tutoring and workshops to help students reduce test-taking anxiety, improve note-taking skills, and assume responsibility for academic successes and failures. Student athletes use these skills to balance the challenges of academics and athletic competition.
Student Athlete Academic Support Program
The mission of the Student Athlete Academic Support Program is to empower student athletes to achieve excellence in the classroom and to reach their academic, career and athletic goals. The counselors and advisers of the program have advanced training in the California Community College Athletic Association (CCCAA), National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), and the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) eligibility rules for athletic participation. The counselors assist student athletes in planning for and successfully completing these specialized requirements in addition to fulfilling the general academic requirements applicable to all students.
Student Health Services: Personal Counseling
SBCC Student Health and Wellness offers free and confidential individual short-term counseling services. Students must be currently enrolled in a credit class and have paid the student health fee to be eligible for services.
Student Success Completion Grant (SSCG)
The SSCG is a financial aid program that helps you afford full-time enrollment so you can graduate, begin your career and start earning money sooner. AB540 students are eligible for SSCG.12-14 Units / semester = $649 ($1,298 per year)15+ Units / semester = $2,000 ($4,000 per year)
Student Tech Support
Student Tech Support
Student-Athlete Academic Mentor Program
To further empower our student-athletes, SBCC’s Athletic Department has made accessible through RADAR a series of self-directed learning modules that focus on academic skill sets necessary for college success. Self-directed learning modules grant students the opportunity to revisit the content as many times as they feel it is necessary.
Student-Ready: Degree Completion for the Flexible Learner
Student-Ready utilizes a holistic approach to create programs, services, and pathways for flexible students-those who move between full and part-time enrollment status and may be post-traditional students. Post-traditional students are parenting students, students returning to college after some time away, or those who are working adults attending school part-time. Full-time enrollment is 12+ units, part-time enrollment is less than 12 units.
The Well
Learn and practice new mindfulness, self-care, and stress management techniques. Learn how to cultivate your internal strength and resilience during times of challenge and change.
The Well: Mindfulness & Stress Reduction Group - EOPS Guardian Scholars
Learn and practice new mindfulness, self-care, and stress management techniques in this group. Learn how to cultivate your internal strength and resilience during times of challenge and change.
The Well: Support Groups
S.O.S. (Sense of Self): An LGBTQIA+ Brave Space: This weekly LGBTQIA group will be facilitated by SBCC Personal Counselor, Adrian Valadez.
The Well: Wellness Center for Mind and Body Health
The WELL offers workshops, group counseling, and events focused on mind and body health and wellness. Our mission is to ensure the diverse SBCC student community feels heard, respected, and encouraged to gain the vital knowledge, tools, and support to move toward optimal lifelong health and wellness.
The Well: Wellness Center for Mind and Body Health
The WELL offers workshops, group counseling, and events focused on mind and body health and wellness. Our mission is to ensure the diverse SBCC student community feels heard, respected, and encouraged to gain the vital knowledge, tools, and support to move toward optimal lifelong health and wellness.
Transfer Achievement Program (TAP)
The Santa Barbara City College Transfer Achievement Program (TAP) assists under-represented students who are planning to transfer to a four-year college or university. We provide students with the necessary knowledge to ensure their successful transition from SBCC to a four-year institution. TAP serves: Historically under-represented student groups; First-generation college students; Students from low-income families; Undocumented/AB 540 students
Transfer Achievement Program (TAP) Club
The Transfer Achievement Program (TAP) Club has been successful in helping students throughout the transfer process at SBCC. TAP Club coordinates meetings, events, and workshops to help students make informed decisions about transfer. TAP Club offers a great opportunity for students to be more involved within Transfer Achievement Program and SBCC. Since 2012, TAP Club students have been active leaders in the surrounding community through volunteer work at local K-12 schools, fundraising, and coordinating food drives to help local families in need.
University Transfer Academy
The University Transfer Academy (UTA) assures you of transfer in a timely manner to the prestigious University of California System, ranked among the top teaching and research institutions in the United States. UC Santa Barbara leads all campuses with the most SBCC transfer students, who make up about 1/3 of their transfer pool. California State University Channel Islands is one of the 23 CSUs served by the University Transfer Academy. The CSU is a leader in high-quality, accessible, student-focused higher education and is the largest, most diverse, and one of the most affordable university systems in the country. Lastly, Antioch University, a private institution in Santa Barbara, offers a unique education that integrates theory and practice.
University Transfer Center
The University Transfer Center is here to assist you on your journey to the four-year university! Although course planning for transfer happens with your Academic Counselor , (EOPS Counselors, University Transfer Center) and we provide the tools for you to determine the best transfer strategy. We are the point place for University Representatives to distribute information and provide campus appointments to best inform your application list. Knowing where you want to apply and in which majors is key to creating the most streamlined plan. Researching your transfer institution will be your top priority. We are also here to guide you through the application process. It can seem overwhelming with the many steps between submitting your application and receiving a decision but we can help. With workshops and personal advising you can successfully complete the process!
University Transfer Scholars Club
The University Transfer Scholars Club offers SBCC students an extracurricular outlet for socializing and networking with fellow transfer students. The club has various activities, such as field trips, social gatherings, and fundraising for scholarships.
Transition Program Video
Transitions Program Video
Transitions Program
A six-week summer bridge program through EOPS for formerly incarcerated individuals or individuals on probation or parole. The Transitions program offers college orientation, a college success course and weekly excursions. Students also receive meal vouchers, priority registration, academic counseling and other support services.
Our Umoja program offers supported English classes that are made to fully support students inside and outside of the classroom; each class features a tutor and supportive faculty who teach from an Afro-centric perspective and have extensive office hours to offer students multiple ways to stay engaged and succeed! In addition, Our program is a part of the Equity department at Santa Barbara City College; and much like the Center for Equity and Social Justice, also features a multitude of programming and events that are designed to further develop students academically, mentally, and professionally.
Undocu-Transfer Resources
Come learn about support services, webinars, and opportunities available for undocumented students at universities across California.
Vaqademic Planner
Guide and resource for SBCC Vaquero Athletes.
Vaquero Team Store
Vaquero Team Store
Veterans Resources Video
Veterans Resources Video
Veterans Support and Resource Center
The objective of the Veterans' Support Program is to provide information and assistance to veterans and dependents of veterans eligible for Veterans Educational Assistance. SBCC academic counseling, career, transfer, tutorial and other services are part of SBCC's mission to offer eligible program participants support to achieve their educational goals
Virtual Desktop Infastructure for Students (VDI)
VDI is an acronym for Virtual Desktop Infrastructure. VDI provides access to a wide variety of software without ever having to set foot on campus. Think of it as remote controlling a loaner computer here on campus, only from anywhere in the world and from any device.
Zoom Guide for Students
Zoom Guide for Students
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