Campus Tree

Program Evaluation Committee

Program Evaluation Committee (Program Review)

Please provide feedback about Program Review


The program review process is used by colleges to assess program effectiveness and define objectives and goals for program enhancement in alignment with institutional planning. Program Review assures the adoption of an integrated planning process whereby units are able to actualize adopted college plans and develop goals and objectives that move the college forward towards intended paths. The structure assures ongoing monitoring and assessment of the planned activities to ensure that the indicated goals, objectives and strategic outcomes are realized. In Fall of 2020, SBCC entered into year one of a four year Program Review Cycle. The completion of the current program review cycle will occur in Spring 2025.

Program Review Implementation (Fall 2025) 

Beginning in November of 2024 PEC will begin work on the design and implementation of a new program review process with an anticipated roll out Fall 2025. For the period of December 2024 - August 2025, the following represents the Interim Charge and membership for the Program Evaluation Committee

Interim Committee Charge

PEC will implement the following deliverables: 

  • Design and solicit campus-wide feedback regarding committee structure with the goal of creating transparency and diverse participation from all areas of campus. 
  • Design and solicit feedback from programs in Student Support Services and Operational Programs with the goal of designing a new process that is transparent, applicable, and useful to programs in those areas. 
  • Identify, design, and implement a new program review process that is data-informed and DEIAA focused. 
  • Design and implement training resources and documentation regarding the new program review process. 
  • Train and recruit new committee membership. 



Non-Voting Members and Resources
Joshua Ramirez Academic Senate President (co-chair)
Michael Medel Dean, Instructional Programs (co-chair)
Diana Zapata  Director, Human Resources (and voting)
Cornelia Alsheimer-Barthel Faculty Association 
Chris Renbarger VP, Business Services
Nicole Oldendick Institutional Research 
Voting Members and Areas of Representation
Liz Auchincloss CSEA, Information Technology 
Vandana Gavaskar English Division (shared vote)
Michele Obritz Education Support Division
Julie Samson  ALA Representative 
Lisa Lopez Classified Consultation Group Representative
Kim Monda English/English Skills Division Representative
Vacant Fine Arts Division Representative
Vacant Health and Human Services Division Representative
Jennifer Loftus Mathematics Division Representative
Vacant Modern Languages/ESL Division Representative
Kathy O'Connor Physical Education/Athletics Division Representative
Sean Kelly Science Division Representative
Stan Bursten Social Science Division Representative
Monica Campbell School of Extended Learning Representative
Mariah Messer School of Extended Learning Representative

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Meetings, Agendas, and Minutes

See upcoming meeting dates, and view agendas and minutes from previous meetings


Additional Resources

Committee files and documents available for view/download