Aid for Undocumented Students / Ayuda Financiera
Undocumented students with AB 540 status qualify for many forms of financial aid, including exemption from nonresident tuition — which means you'll be eligible for in-state tuition and fees — along with Cal Grants, UC grants and scholarships, and private scholarships.
How you can fund your education as an undocumented student!

AB 540 (expanded by SB 68 & SB 1141) enables students to count years spent at a California Community College (CCC) and adult school towards eligibility for in-state tuition.
Who Is Eligible: Undocumented individuals, T and U visa holders, U.S. citizens, and lawfully present immigrants that meet eligibility criteria can apply. Individuals with international student visas, visitor visas, or other “non-immigrant” statuses are not eligible to apply.
¿Quién Es Elegible?: Las personas que son indocumentadas, tienen visas T o U, son ciudadanos de los EE. UU., o son inmigrantes legalmente presentes que cumplan con los criterios de elegibilidad, pueden presentar una solicitud. Aquellos con visas de estudiantes internacionales, visas de visitante, u otros estados migratorios designados como “no inmigrante” no serán elegibles para presentar una solicitud.
If a student meets the criteria for AB 540 they will exempt from paying non-resident enrollment fees, if you meet all of the following criteria:
- Attended a California high school for at least three years;
- Graduated from a California high school, got a GED or passed the California High School Proficiency Exam;
- Are registered or enrolled at a California community college; AND
- If required, complete an affidavit saying you have filed (or will file when you are eligible to do so) for legal immigration status.
- Resource: The AB 540 Quick Guide (available in English and Spanish) lists the attendance and degree required to qualify for in-state tuition. AB 540 is needed to be eligible for state financial aid through the CA Dream Act.

California College Promise Grant
The California College Promise Grant (CCPG) is available for eligible students at California community colleges, and will waive your per-unit enrollment fee at any community college throughout the state. California Residents and AB 540 students are eligible for this grant.
Award Amount: Financial need is determined by factors such as your parent’s income and household size for dependent students. For independent students, it is the student (and spouse’s) income and household size. Apply by completing a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or California Dream Act Application (CADAA) to be considered for the CCPG Fee Waiver and other financial aid. Sustain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher and have a cumulative completion rate of more than 50 percent of the coursework you attempt. Drops, withdrawals and failing grades all affect your completion rate.

CA Dream Act
The California Dream Act allows some undocumented students to apply for and receive state-based financial aid and institutional scholarships. The types of aid included in the CA Dream Act are: Cal Grants, UC Grants, State University Grants, California College Promise Grant and EOP or EOPS grants. It also includes the Middle-Class Scholarships and school-specific scholarships. The CA Dream Act can also give you access to Dream Loans at the CSU or UC, even if you are undocumented.
Apply Online: dream.csac.ca.gov
Priority Deadline: May 3, 2025
The new 2025-26 CA Dream Act Application (CADAA) is now available! See all application questions here.
Click here to see how your information is protected.
Addtional Resource: CA Dream Act Application Checklist

SBCC Scholarships
Santa Barbara City College offers a great variety of scholarships to its current, transferring and newly incoming students. This is all privately funded institutional money (not federal money) which allows undocumented students to apply for them.
Nuestro colegio ofrece una gran variedad de becas a sus estudiantes actuales, transferidos y recién llegados. Todo esto es dinero institucional financiado con fondos privados (no dinero federal) que permite a los estudiantes indocumentados solicitarlos.
List of Scholarships and Fellowships
This list of scholarships and fellowships that don’t require proof of U.S. citizenship for you! The list has general application eligibility requirements, including education level, region/state, and immigration status (e.g. DACA, TPS, in-state tuition eligibility).
¡Esta lista de becas no requieren prueba de ciudadanía estadounidense! La lista tiene requisitos generales de elegibilidad, incluyendo nivel de educación, región / estado y estatus migratorio (por ejemplo, DACA, TPS, elegibilidad de matrícula en el estado).
Paid and Unpaid Opportunities for Undocumented (Non-DACA), DACA and TPS