![West campus](/legacy-project/files/PlantsWestCampus.jpg)
Equal Employment Opportunity Advisory Committee
Committee Charge
The institution has established an Equal Employment Opportunity Advisory Committee (EEOAC) to assist the college in implementing its Plan. The committee may also assist in promoting an understanding and support of equal opportunity and nondiscrimination policies and procedures. The committee may work in coordination with other groups on campus to sponsor events, training, or other activities that promote equal employment opportunity, nondiscrimination, retention, and diversity. The equal employment opportunity officer shall train the advisory committee on equal employment compliance and the Plan itself. The training shall include the following components:
- The requirements of Title 5, California Code of Regulations 53005 and state and federal
- nondiscrimination laws;
- Identification and elimination of bias in hiring;
- The educational benefits of workforce diversity; and
- The role of advisory committee in carrying out the District’s Equal Employment Opportunity Plan.
The committee shall include a diverse membership whenever possible. A substantial good faith effort to maintain a diverse membership is expected. If the college has been unable to meet this objective, it will document efforts made to recruit advisory committee members who represent diversity. The committee will be composed of two members of the faculty appointed by the Academic Senate President; two members of the classified staff appointed by the Classified Consultation Group; two management/supervisory representatives appointed by the ALC; one student recommended by the student government association; and one cabinet-level administrator appointed by the Superintendent/President.
The committee will be convened, initially, each year and chaired by the Equal Employment Opportunity Officer. Terms of office for the voting members shall be for two years (with the exception of the student, who may serve a one-year term). The Equal Employment Opportunity Advisory Committee shall review equal employment opportunity and diversity efforts, programs, policies, and progress. When appropriate, the advisory committee shall make recommendations to the Board of Trustees, the Superintendent/President, the equal employment opportunity officer, and the Director, Equity, Diversity and Cultural Competency.
The committee meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month and 4th Tuesday of the month at 1:30pm - 3:00pm. Meetings dates and times may vary as needed by committee availability. The committee has decided to meet accoording to the academic calendar and has a summer break.
For more information or to address the committee in public comment, please contact Diana Lopez.
Members of the public have the opportunity to directly address the EEOAC on any current meeting agenda item before the committee's consideration of that item.
Those wishing to address the committee at this meeting can do so by submitting an email to: rewalsh1@pipeline.sbcc.edu by 9:00a.m. on Friday, prior to the EEOAC meeting. (Pending SBCC handbook from CPC)
Unless otherwise determined by the committee, each person is limited to three minutes per topic. Total public comment time is limited to 15 minutes.
Membership (2019-2021)
Name |
Area of Representation |
Deneatrice Lewis | Assistant Superintendent / Vice-President, Human Resources | Administrator Appointee |
PENDING | PENDING | Administrator Appointee |
Andrew Gil | Assistant Professor | Faculty Appointee |
Camila Acosta | Assistant Professor | Faculty Appointee |
Jeanette Chian Brooks | Associate Director, School of Extended Learning | Management Appointee |
Christopher Johnson | Associate Dean of Student Support Services, DSPS | Management Appointee |
Sherie Brinley Higgins | Administrative Assistant II | Classified Appointee |
Tim Stone | Administrative Assistant II | Classified Appointee |
PENDING | Student Appointee |
Roxane Byrne | Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion | Equity Appointee |
Diana Lopez* | Administrative Assistant III (Confidential) to the Vice President, Human Resources | Support |
*Non-voting members
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Meetings, Agendas, and Minutes
See upcoming meeting dates, and view agendas and minutes from previous meetings
Additional Resources
Committee files and documents available for view/download